From November 5 to 7, 2024, the international conference "A World Without Hunger" will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, addressing issues of food scarcity not only across Africa but globally. Recognizing the significance of this global challenge, uScovery DMCC will participate in the conference, joining efforts to find solutions to this pressing issue.
One of the main factors contributing to food shortages and resulting in hunger across various African countries is the underdeveloped state of logistics and transportation infrastructure. Africa is a continent rich in unique reserves of natural resources, including minerals, gold, oil, and more. However, decades of colonial exploitation have drained these resources without providing adequate economic and social returns in exchange.
Today, it is crucial to address these accumulated issues, particularly in transportation, urgently and with the aid of the most advanced and innovative technologies. A promising solution lies in implementing eco-friendly and safe Unitsky string transport systems. These systems require significantly less investment for installation and maintenance, making them a cost-effective solution for African countries. The adoption of such technologies would not only improve logistical infrastructure but also allow for more efficient delivery of food and humanitarian aid to remote regions. This, in turn, could have a substantial impact on improving the lives of local populations and alleviating food shortages.

World Without Hunger Conference will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 5 to 7 of November.